
Katharine Turner Mays  b.1964 is a British artist who currently lives in Texas.

At the heart of Katharine’s impulsion to paint, is a need to reveal the felt Consciousness of each subject, balancing the material and the ephemeral.

Her figurative paintings have an expressionistic use of line, psychological acumen, and spiritual intensity.

Landscapes comprise of a complex sequence of glazes.

Katharine was taught how to paint in oil by her grandfather. Her great aunt and namesake was a professional painter exhibiting in London through out the late 18oo’s.

Katharine is self taught. Her mentor Cecil Collins died in 1989, she never met him. However, was grateful to study with Dr.David Cranswick a student of Cecil Collins from 1997-2000.

From 2000 to 2008 Katharine painted portraits, religious icons and old masters, working in burnt umber and white.

From 2008 to 2018 she switched her colour palette to phthalow blue and white.

Averaging seventy hours of painting a week.

Katharine’s work has been shown in exhibitions in London and the U.S., including “Conscious Contact”, a solo show at The River Bend Church Art Gallery, Austin, Texas. Three of her paintings were featured at the Diocese of Austin Fine Arts Gallery, Texas.


b. 1964, London, England

Lives and works in Austin, Texas


Laguna Gloria 2005-2008, Austin, Texas

Dr. David Cranswick 1997-2000, London, England

Inchbald School of Design 1989 London, England

Selected Exhibitions

2020 All in All, (collective), Thornton Art, Austin Texas

2019 Horses, The Austin Waldorf Spring Fair, (group), Austin, Texas

2018 Saints, (group exhibition), East Side Art, Austin, Texas

2015 Conscious Contact, Riverbend Church, Austin, Texas

2007 Heads of Mary, Exhibit VIII, exhibition), Diocese of Austin, Texas

2006 Portrait of the Householder, House of Light, (solo), Austin, Texas

2005 Heads of Christ, Exhibit IV, exhibition) Diocese of Austin, Texas

2002 Wall Painting, Temple Beth El, San Antonio, Texas

2001 Christ on the Cross, Framed Statue, Cathedral of Saint Mary, Texas

1998 Chrysler Building Restoration, New York, NY

1989 - 2000 Study Period - New York, N.Y.

1996 Mary, Chelsea Town Hall, London, England

1995 Study Period - Florence

Selected Collections

Katharine Turner features in various national and international private collections